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Maree Brogden


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Your business address
Practice Rooms, 92 Mountain Road, Epsom & 12/231 Dairy Flat Highway, Albany 0632 Auckland
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Your business country
New Zealand
Your closest business city/regional centre (NZ)
Your business phone number
+64 21 347 871
Presenting issues
  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Cultural Issues
  • Depression
  • Domestic/Relationship Violence
  • Family and Relationship Issues
  • Grief and Loss
  • Identity Issues
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Physical Health Issues
  • Self-harm
  • Sexuality and LGBTQIA+
  • Trauma and PTSD
Arts modality
  • Art Therapy
  • Creative Arts Therapy
  • Creative Writing
Therapy approaches
An intermodal approach is the use of more than one modality. A multimodal approach integrates other psychological sciences, please refer to my website link for other information.
Client type
  • Couples
  • Men
  • Non-binary
  • Supervision
  • Women
Funding Schemes
  • ACC Registered
  • WINZ Disability Counselling Provider
Special expertise
The holistic approach is a creative healthcare approach of psychology, and other healthcare, to provide an outcome of wellbeing. The multimodal eclectic treatment approach integrates the arts of practice. This can be achieved through individual and group therapy and is inclusive of psychological education.

An intermodal Arts-in-Psychotherapy practice of Mind and Body integrates the arts of the experiential expressive therapies continuum (reference Hinz & Lusebrink) according to the client's assessed needs.

My education in healthcare and psychological therapies includes Postgraduate Healthcare Sciences; papers, Evidence-based practice in NZ healthcare (Gov't DHB), Psychoanalytic psychotherapy knowledge & MindBody Paradigms and Practice (2011-14). Cert. Gestalt Psychotherapy 2002. BN, PGdip entry specialist mental healthcare (1998). RCpN (1986).
Clinical supervision.

Artist's studio practice.
Dip. VisComm Design (1991-93) & Fine Arts papers (1990 & 1999-2001), community FArts courses.
Additional information
Services are subsidised by the NZ government agencies of ACC and WINZ. You may be eligible for a subsidy with a referral from your GP and/or psychiatrist.

Wellness Coaching is available for those who are also interested to find out and manifest 'what it is that you really need and want in your life'.

If you need an interpreter, let me know.

Telehealth consultations are available.
Available to take referrals for private practice
Available for consultation, facilitation and/or promotional work

Professional Arts Therapy Supervision

How many years practising as a professional level creative arts therapist
15-20 yrs
Supervision training details (Name of training course/s you have completed)
What year did you complete your supervision training
What supervision will you offer
  • 1-1 (face to face in person)
  • group (face to face in person)
  • online supervision (1-1 or group)
Areas of expertise or specialisation
MindBody is a conceptualisation of a holistic healthcare approach that considers healthcare systems in practice, and other philosophical and sociological perspectives for a treatment approach that considers the whole-person.

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