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Marie Bajada


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Drawing Within Art Therapy and Counselling Services
Your business address
Ballarat, Central Highlands, Pyrenees & Grampians s/w Victoria
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0409 954 703
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Presenting issues
  • Anxiety
  • Autism Spectrum
  • Depression
  • Disabilities
  • Grief and Loss
  • Identity Issues
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Spirituality Well-being
  • Trauma and PTSD
Arts modality
  • Art Therapy
  • Creative Arts Therapy
Therapy approaches
Nature Based Art therapy
Client type
  • Children
  • Elders
  • Groups
  • Women
  • Youth
NDIS Categories and Supports
Therapeutic supports
Special expertise
* 10+ years Creative Arts Therapy experience working across the life span
-pre-schoolers, children, tweens, teens, adults, seniors in varied therapeutic contexts
* One on one consultations face to face, phone and groups
* Professional development groups for health and educational professionals
* Mental Health and Well being in Primary schools as part of DET schools in Victoria MH funding.
Additional information
I am a passionate advocate for using creative arts to support my clients' mental health and well being, by exploring pathways to facilitate meaning making, healing and transformation.
I value vulnerability as a source of inspiration and offer a collaborative, companioning space where clients are listened to from the heart rather than the head.
Wabi Sabi principles of seeing beauty in the broken and honouring impermanence, inform my emergent, client- centred approach. Why not journey with me?
Available to take referrals for private practice
Available for consultation, facilitation and/or promotional work

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